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ALOHA! My name is Courtney! I'm a Utah-ahn-born-Hawaiian with big dreams, a big appetite, and a bigger heart. I'm currently a third-semester UVU nursing student, orthopedic surgical cover rep, owner of a wedding and portrait photography business;Coco Portraits, and a wife to Prince Charming himself.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

This week's culture we focused on was the LDS church. In this entry I will talk about the things I learned, how I will apply them, and share my thoughts/feelings towards this culture. 
Lessons Learned: WHO are these "Mormons?" 
The term "Mormon" is a commonly used to refer to members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Another common term in reference to the saints is "the LDS church." The word "Mormon" stems from their belief in the Book of Mormon, which was written by ancient prophets who testify of Jesus Christ and his teachings. Within the Book of Mormon you can find a record of Christ's life and Resurrection, His gospel, and a witnesses who bear testimony of His love for all God's children and His Atonement. 

LDS members believe in many practices and beliefs, all which are centered around God and the gospel of Jesus Christ. The greek noun and word "gospel" translates to mean "good news." Many members apply this translation into their attitudes towards sharing and inviting others to hear the "good news" of the gospel of Jesus Christ. The gospel involves rich and deep doctrine, but is based off fundamental and foundational principles. These basic principles and beliefs were summarized by the first latter-day prophet, Joseph Smith in the thirteen Articles of Faith. Within the fourth Article of Faith it simply explains some of four basic fundamentals members believe in. 

"We believe that the first principles and ordinances of the Gospel are: first, Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ; second,Repentance; third, Baptism by immersion for the remission of sins; fourth, Laying on of hands for the gift of the Holy Ghost.

The LDS culture comes from their beliefs in the gospel, teachings of living prophets, commandments of God, and the plan of salvation. Because of these teachings and beliefs LDS members practice using their agency to show their love for God by keeping His commandments and choosing the right. Within this culture members willingly follow and listen to Christ's commandments and revelation through their living prophet, Thomas S. Monson. A few examples of guidelines members follow are: no sexual relations before marriage and to be faithful to your spouse, keep the word of wisdom (not to drink alcohol, coffee, tea, do not smoke or harmful substances), pay an honest tithe of 10% of all earnings, dress modestly and do not defile your body, do not swear and speak kindly to others, and be loving and forgiving to others. 

#nursingbyCOURTNEY: How to APPLY the knowledge of the LDS culture to nursing practices... 
I think by understanding the LDS culture and beliefs you will be less likely to say or do anything that might be considered offensive. I think it is important to recognize and respect all cultures and practices regardless of your own personal beliefs. As a healthcare professional it is vital to establish trust with your patients to facilitate the healing process. I believe to establish trust with anyone you must FIRST get to know them. (Honestly, how can you trust someone you don't know?) If you genuinely are interested about an individual you tend to care and treat them better.

SO, here's a #nursingbyCOURTNEY.... Get to know your patients, be NON-judgemental, and be KIND no matter the conflicts of cultural or religious beliefs.

Courtney's "Two-Cent's"
Most of people who are reading this LIVE in Utah. Thus, it's no surprise those who live in Utah or even within the United States, know that a good portion of the population in Utah (especially Utah County) are a part of the LDS faith. So as a nurse you see and treat many LDS members. I believe whether or not you like or dislike, agree or disagree with their beliefs it is important to treat everyone fairly and with kindness. Just follow the advice from Thumper in the Disney's classic film Bambi, "If you can't say something nice don't say nothing at all." 

This next part is where Courtney's "Two-Cent's" mixes with "church and state".. so read at your own discretion ;)  

The LDS culture and church is very dear to my heart. Yes, I am a one of the so-called "Mormons" and I am overly grateful and humbled to be considered one. I could probably go on and talk about my love for the gospel of Jesus Christ for hours, days, weeks, months, years, and my entire earthly life. But because I am an exhausted nursing student and have way too many assignments due tonight, I will spare you the long hours of reading my personal thoughts and just share my simple testimony. I know I am a Child of God and I am loved. I know the gospel is true and it is has brought me more happiness than any words could possibly describe. I know because my Savior died for me I can live again and be with my family forever. I have a strong testimony of the power of prayer and the comfort it brings. Through study and prayer I found for myself the Book of Mormon to be true and I have witnessed its truthfulness within my life. I know all these things to be true and bare my humble and sincere testimony in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen. 

Article of Faith Quote from: https://www.lds.org/scriptures/pgp/a-of-f/1?lang=eng
Pictures taken from: 

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